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Click-to-Call for Immediate Customer Service

Click-to-Call Is the Way to Go to Provide Immediacy and Convenience to Your Customers!

Dhivakar Aridoss

Dhivakar Aridoss

Marketing Head

I recently visited an online commerce site where I wanted to buy a pair of formal shoes. I was mighty impressed with the shoes; however, I was confused by their size chart.

While I liked the shoes, I wanted a pair that fit me. I was wondering what to do, and that’s when I saw a button that said, call us!

I clicked on it, and I was connected with an agent who knew the context of why I was calling.

He asked me, “How can I help you with the shoes you are interested in?”

I told him that I wasn’t sure about the size chart. He guided me on how to measure the size of my feet and match it with their size chart.

Bingo, I figured out the right size, ordered it, and it was delivered.

It fit me perfectly well.

The ‘Call Us’ feature on their website helped me address my anxiety while ordering the pair of shoes. While they have a flexible return policy, I really did not want to go through that hassle.

Let me give you another example.

I recently wanted to make some changes to the delivery time of my order on Amazon. So, in their app, I went to the orders section and clicked on the particular order to figure out a way to speak to their customer care.

There was a feature called ‘Call Me’ on their app. I clicked on it, and it displayed a message that I would receive a call from their customer care.

Within a few seconds, I received a call from Amazon, and they knew the context. I put in my request, and they handled it well.

These two are examples of the click-to-call feature that businesses offer their consumers to reach them.

What Is Click-to-Call?

It is a way for a consumer to connect with the company representative by phone when they’re browsing a website or using an app.

Why Would You Use Click-to-Call?

More often than not, businesses lose the opportunity to engage a prospect positively and convert them into a paying customer.

Your website might give a lot of information, but the customer may have some questions that are not covered on your website. So, the customer takes a note to write to you to check on it, and invariably, most of them don’t do that. 

This is a lost opportunity for your business.

Instead, if you have the option for a prospect to speak to you immediately with the click-to-call feature, it would help you convert them into a paying customer.

Even if they don’t become a paying customer, your brand will become a top-of-mind recall for them, and every time they think of something that you sell, your brand will be a top-of-mind recall.

What Are the Use Cases for Click-to-Call?

I spoke about two use cases related to eCommerce at the beginning of this article.

  1. Click-to-call is a great way to get more details about the product instantly. In my case, it was the size of the shoes.
  2. You can check the status of the order or make modifications to the delivery schedule. In my case, I wanted the delivery time to be changed.

Besides this, you can use click-to-call to check on the product specifications, refund and return of products, and raise customer support requests easily.


Imagine you receive a WhatsApp message from a real estate agency. You are interested in the property, and you want additional details.

What do you do?

With the click-to-call option, you can instantly talk to the real estate agency representative to get additional details about the property and to schedule a visit to view the property.


Your hospital has a ‘book appointment’ feature on both the website as well as the mobile application.

When your patients try to access it and book them, unfortunately, your appointment booking app doesn’t work.

They don’t have a number to call and book an appointment.

What do they do now?

With the click-to-call feature, they would be able to contact the hospital representative immediately and book an appointment. Later on, the representative can update the appointment booking application of your appointment.

Let us assume you don’t remember the dosage specifications of the medicines given to you. What do you do?

In that case, you can speak to professionals at the healthcare facility with the click-to-call feature and get the dosage information without having to visit the hospital.


Recently, my friend’s son and wife were traveling from Singapore to Chennai on the same flight. But, they had separate bookings – each allowing 30 kgs of check-in luggage.

However, they had three bags, each weighing 20 kg. Now, the airline will not allow three boxes of 20 Kg as these tickets were not booked together.

This friend wanted to get this clarified, so he visited the airline website and their app, but he couldn’t find any information.

They, however, had a click-to-call feature on their app. Using that, he reached out to a representative, and this friend understood they had to segregate the luggage as two 30 kgs and not three 20 kgs. But as a special request, they agreed to allow them to travel with three bags of 20 kgs each together.

Financial Services

Let us assume that you want to avail a housing loan.

You are looking at a property that costs about one crore, and you have a down payment of 20 lacs to give. However, when you check your loan eligibility, it says that you are eligible to avail yourself of up to 55 lacs.

You are still short of 25 lacs.

So, you figure that if you add your spouse as a co-applicant, maybe you will be able to get the additional 25 lacs as well. But there is no provision for you to figure that out on the loan aggregator’s site.

You use the click-to-call feature and speak to a representative to figure out the combined eligibility. He helps you understand that the combined eligibility exceeds your need. 

This allows you to finalize the property and start applying for the loan.

There are multiple use cases for which click-to-call can be used across industries – customer support, hospitality, telecom, utilities, and education besides the use cases described here.

The underlying factor with the click-to-call feature is the convenience with which you can reach a representative of an organization and get your queries clarified instantly.

It lets businesses not lose any opportunities while it provides convenience for the customers. 

How Does ClearTouch Help Businesses With the Click-to-Call Feature?

Click-to-call is a part of our customer experience platform features. It can be integrated with your website and your app as an API call.

This can then be integrated as a part of the overall omnichannel customer experience platform of ClearTouch, where every agent gets to know all the customer interactions across channels, including the click-to-call interactions.

The click-to-call feature is tightly integrated with CRM and helpdesk software, and it allows all customer interactions to be captured efficiently.

Two of the customers who recently started using the click-to-call feature on their website have reported a 30% increase in their sales conversions.

The best part of click-to-call is its immediacy and convenience. Imagine a scenario without click-to-call, and these two customers would not have reported the 30% increase in conversions.

It pays to be available and to make things convenient for your customers. Would you agree that click-to-call is the best way to do it?

Explore our full range of call center software features